Mapping a Super Bowl halftime show
Challenging myself by creating a top down map of Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Halftime Show inside Datawrapper.
Building accessible sites with SvelteKit: seven practical tips
Some tips to help spread awareness of and fix accessability issues, specifically focusing on keyboard navigation.
Why bi visibility matters
Talking about the biggest β but at the same time one of the more misunderstood β subgroup of the queer community.
The history of left-handedness
"The history of left-handedness" is a chart that is used in an infamous analogy for queer oppression. I dive into the paper where the data originated from and learned about the difference between direct and indirect social pressure.
Humanity deserves more humane drug policies
Germany recently decriminalized the possession of small quantities of cannabis for personal consumption and I a look at the topic that first got me into politics: drug prohibition.
A recipe for Datawrapper
I analyzed the work git repository throughout the years to examine developments in technologies used.
Visualizing my musical journey
My first weekly chart and general entry on the Datawrapper blog where I scraped my last.fm data and created a supersized tag timeline.