Building accessible sites with SvelteKit: seven practical tips
Some tips to help spread awareness of and fix accessability issues, specifically focusing on keyboard navigation.
Svelte Radio: SvelteLab - a Svelte REPL for SvelteKit with Antonio and Paolo
๐๏ธ A Dream Came True! Paolo and I got invited to the one and only "Svelte Radio" Podcast to talk to Kev, Brittney and Antony about creating SvelteLab!
CodingCatDev: SvelteLab a supercharged REPL for Svelte with Antonio Sarcevic & Paolo Ricciuti
๐๏ธ Paolo and I got invited to the "CodingCatDev" Podcast to talk to Brittney and Alex about SvelteLab!
Simple native-like App in SvelteKit!
๐ผ This guide shows how to create a simple installable and offline-first web application using SvelteKit and workbox-precaching. It only takes less than ten lines of code for the Service Worker!
Svelte Society - London May 2023: Hacking SvelteLab: behind the supercharged REPL for Svelte
๐๏ธ Paolo and I got invited to "Svelte Society London" conference to talk about creating SvelteLab!
Svelte makes Drag And Drop API easy!
๐ผ This video shows how to create a minimal draggable and dropzone Svelte Action using the browser native Drag and Drop API. It only takes about 80 lines of code for the Svelte Actions.
Create an offline-first and installable PWA with SvelteKit and workbox-precaching
โ๏ธ How to create an offline-first and installable Progressive Web App using SvelteKit and Workbox precaching with just 34 lines of code.
Create a toast notification package with SvelteKit
๐ฆ How to create a notification store and component as a library for Svelte and packaging it up for npm with SvelteKit!
Introduction to Web Components
๐งฑ During my 1th semester of my Informatics Masters's degree, I wrote a paper on web components, detailing the value, usage and authoring of Web Components. I also explain how to build Web Components with Svelte.
Already Deprecated: Einfรผhrung in Web Components und Komponenten erstellen mit Svelte oder Stencil (Content In German Language)
๐๏ธ I got invited to the "Already Deprecated" Podcast to talk about Web Components, and creating them with Svelte. This episode is in German.